Budget and Shareholdings Management
Mag. Barbara Kaller-Schwarz
Friedrichgasse 9, 8010 Graz,06.Bez.:Jakomini
Phone: +43 (316) 877-5577
Fax: +43 (316) 877-3373
E-Mail: barbara.kaller-schwarz@stmk.gv.at
Tasks and responsibilities
- Planning, preparation and monitoring of the budget of Department 8, including the Special Department Health and Nursing Management and the subordinate departments (schools for health professions)
- Implementation of the budget and accounting of Department 8 and of the Special Department Health and Nursing Management and the subordinate departments (budget execution)
- Budgetary control including reporting
- Participation in the medium-term orientation of the Styrian budget management (Styrian financial framework)
- Collaboration in the preparation of the Styrian statement of account
- Participation in impact controlling
- Collaboration in the transparency database
- Subsidies monitoring
- Cost accounting