Nature and General Environmental Protection
Mag. Gerhard Rupp
Lukas Stelzl +43 (316) 877-3172
Stempfergasse 7, 8010 Graz,01.Bez.:Innere Stadt
Phone: +43 (316) 877-3857
Fax: +43 (316) 877-3490
1. Submission of documents
Office of the Styrian Provincial Government
Department 13 Environment and Regional Planning
Stempfergasse 7, 8010 Graz,01.Bez.:Innere Stadt
Telefax: +43 (316) 877-3490
2. Online forms
Land Steiermark offers online forms for the submission of various applications. For an overview of all forms, please see
3. Digital submissions
You can also contact us by electronic means (e-mail, fax or online form), but please note the technical requirements. Any matters submitted by electronic means outside our office hours will only be received and processed when our office staff resume work again. This means that the submission will be deemed to have been submitted and received only at that time.
Nature conservation
"Nature conservation" means caring for the permanent preservation of nature as the basis of life for humans, animals and plants, for the protection of special parts of nature from adverse modification, destruction or extinction, and for the adaptation of vital, economic and social development to the existing, irreproducible, natural resources - and this is all done in the public interest. (Definition of nature conservation by all Austrian states).
Some definitions and key statements
Nature conservation aims to preserve the riches and beauty of local nature.
(Konrad Günther, natural scientist - 1910)
Nature conservation is not a matter of the calculating mind, but can only be understood by the heart and soul.
(Heinrich Wilkens, lawyer - 1939)
Nature conservation (is one) element of environmental protection.
(Harald Plachter, ecologist - 1990)
We understand nature conservation to mean the protection of species, biotopes and landscapes.
(Uta Eser, biologist - 1998)
Protecting nature also means protecting health.
(Franz August Emde, forest manager and journalist - 2003)
Nature conservation is not a luxury, but a future-oriented task.
(Horst Köhler, former President of Germany (1943) - 2006)
Our tasks:
Enforcement of the provisions of nature conservation law (Styrian Nature Conservation Act, Off-Road Vehicles Act, Natural Cave Act, National Park Act, Act on Mountain and Nature Conservation Bodies, Tree Protection Act)
Technical nature protection matters (expert services, funding, contractual nature conservation, international nature conservation matters)
Protected areas in Styria
Protected areas in Styria (landscape protection areas, nature protection areas, European nature reserves) are areas that
- stand out with particular scenic beauty,
- boast rare characteristics of cultivated land (type of use and buildings), or
- are worthy of preservation because of their largely intact nature and their special flora and fauna.
Natura 2000
© Gerolf Forster
The creation and establishment of the NATURA 2000 network of protected areas is carried out by the European Commission and the respective member states in several phases.
Visit our website Natura 2000 Steiermark to find out more about the Styrian Natura 2000 areas.
Species protection

When it joined the European Union, Austria also committed itself to the application and implementation of numerous EU laws and directives. The Council Directive on the conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora (92/43/EEC), the Habitats Directive for short, and its annexes govern many aspects of nature protection in the European Union.
Animal welfare
Department 13 Environment and Regional Planning is in charge of animal welfare in legal and economic matters. It is responsible for the enforcement of legal animal protection and the administration of funding.
For more information on this topic, please see --> here