Budget Management, Controlling and Central Services

Dipl.-Ing. Gerhard Rauchlatner
Stempfergasse 7, 8010 Graz,01.Bez.:Innere Stadt
Phone: +43 (316) 877-2517
Fax: +43 (316) 877-5579
E-Mail: gerhard.rauchlatner@stmk.gv.at
Do you wish to contact us or make a submission? Choose one of these options:
1. Submission of documents
Office of the Styrian Provincial Government
Department 16 Transport and Building Construction
Stempfergasse 7, 8010 Graz,01.Bez.:Innere Stadt
Telefax: +43 (316) 877-5579
E-Mail: abteilung16@stmk.gv.at
2. Online forms
Land Steiermark offers online forms for the submission of various applications. For an overview of all forms, please see https://egov.stmk.gv.at/
3. Digital submissions
You can also contact us by electronic means (e-mail, fax or online form), but please note the technical requirements. Any matters submitted by electronic means outside our office hours will only be received and processed when our office staff resume work again. This means that the submission will be deemed to have been submitted and received only at that time.
1. Submission of documents
Office of the Styrian Provincial Government
Department 16 Transport and Building Construction
Stempfergasse 7, 8010 Graz,01.Bez.:Innere Stadt
Telefax: +43 (316) 877-5579
E-Mail: abteilung16@stmk.gv.at
2. Online forms
Land Steiermark offers online forms for the submission of various applications. For an overview of all forms, please see https://egov.stmk.gv.at/
3. Digital submissions
You can also contact us by electronic means (e-mail, fax or online form), but please note the technical requirements. Any matters submitted by electronic means outside our office hours will only be received and processed when our office staff resume work again. This means that the submission will be deemed to have been submitted and received only at that time.
Tasks of the Administrative Support Unit:
The Administrative Support Unit for Budget Management team is in charge of the Department's financial tasks and budget management. These include:
Medium-term orientation of budget management (medium-term budget/financial framework)
- Preparation, evaluation and updating of the medium-term prognosis
- Application for overruns (exceeding the financial framework)
Preparation of budget
- Application for new accounts
- Preparation of budget (estimated budget)
- Preparation of global and detailed budgets
Budget execution including decentralised accounting tasks
- Implementation of the budget execution as specified
- Monitoring of compliance with the defined framework conditions
- Registration of orders, receipts and also payment and settlement orders
- Compliance with fiscal law principles
- Formal receipt and document check
- Liquidity forecast
- Drawing up payment and settlement orders for the Accounting Department of the State of Styria
- Application for new accounts
- Management of the dunning process
- Regulation of financial ramifications resulting from the performance of the department's tasks, e.g., risk structure compensation RSA, draft laws, Art. 15a agreements, reallocations, requests for reserves
- Decentralised reporting
Asset accounting
- Maintaining and updating fixed asset accounting
Statements of account
- Measures related to closing the accounts (reserves, accruals, deferrals, receivables valuation and write-offs, balance reconciliation)
Budgetary control including reporting
- Performance of budgetary control tasks as specified
- Preparation of the results as specified by the head of the department
Cost and activity accounting
- Contributing to the cost centre set-up
- Contributing to the design of the cost unit accounting structure
- Shared responsibility for the content of data relevant to the cost and activity accounting of the body
- Contributing to the execution of cost and activity accounting as specified
- Cost allocations and transfers
- Executing the standard evaluations for the department
- Preparation of the results as specified by the head of the department
- Integration of specialised information systems (FIS) into cost and activity accounting (in coordination with the IT department)
Impact orientation
- Impact orientation of the department
- Preparation of the annual impact report
Tax matters of the department
- Compliance with/implementation of the decrees of the Finance Department
- Internal training courses and information sharing
- Obtaining approval from the Finance Department for purchases of services in connection with tax law issues
- Providing information promptly before the realisation of major projects with fiscal consequences
- Execution of control evaluations under tax law
- General matters associated with budgetary settlements
- Participation in qualification measures
- Participation in the network of the Finance Department and the bodies that are responsible for the budget
- Participation in information exchange
- Strategic controlling
- Operational controlling
- Internal control system
- Reporting
Internal Services
- Secretarial work
- Archive
- Information technology
- Vehicle fleet of the department
- Space management