Integrated Transport Planning and Road Infrastructure – New Construction

Dipl.-Ing. Herbert Reiterer
Stempfergasse 7, 8010 Graz,01.Bez.:Innere Stadt
Phone: +43 (316) 877-4216
Fax: +43 (316) 877-2131
1. Submission of documents
Office of the Styrian Provincial Government
Department 16 Transport and Building Construction
Stempfergasse 7, 8010 Graz,01.Bez.:Innere Stadt
Telefax: +43 (316) 877-5579
2. Online forms
Land Steiermark offers online forms for the submission of various applications. For an overview of all forms, please see
3. Digital submissions
You can also contact us by electronic means (e-mail, fax or online form), but please note the technical requirements. Any matters submitted by electronic means outside our office hours will only be received and processed when our office staff resume work again. This means that the submission will be deemed to have been submitted and received only at that time.
The guiding principles of this unit are the provision of mobility for the population, improving internal and external accessibility as well as safeguarding Styria as a business location in terms of transport. Our goal is to find the best interdisciplinary and intermodal solutions for a transport system that is compatible with humans and the environment.
Total traffic
- Development of transport policy goals, strategies and planning principles and their alignment with cross-departmental, national and European goals and strategies
- Implementation of strategic mobility and transport planning, in particular preparation and coordination of the contents of the Styrian Mobility and Integrated Transport Concept, the regional transport concepts and mobility plans, and also the implementation of transport network planning
- Ensuring the implementation of the requirements of the transport concepts and mobility plans in relation to spatial planning matters, in particular by issuing expert opinions on transport-relevant amendments to zoning plans, local development concepts and regional development programmes
- Conducting baseline surveys and also interdisciplinary and cross-modal studies and analyses
- Representation of Styrian transport interests, mobility goals and strategies at local, regional, national and European level and also in interdepartmental coordination processes
- Planning and promotion of rail infrastructure for high-quality rail transport
- Promotion of logistics concepts, innovations and transhipment centres for combined freight transport
- Coordination of activities in relation to cycling
- Drawing up and refining the Styrian cycling strategy
- Creation and implementation of cycling concepts
- Further development of the web services of the Styrian Cycling Server (Externe Verknüpfung
- Shaping framework conditions for a switch to clean energy in transport to improve air quality and reduce environmental pollution from traffic
- Development of networks in order to provide alternative fuel infrastructure
- Platform for e-mobility - creating synergies for more environmentally-friendly transport; taking into account the interests of local and regional authorities, interest groups and other stakeholders
- Promotion of incentive systems and measures at municipal and state level for low-pollution or zero-emission mobility (in line with the European Commission's "White Paper on Transport", the use of conventional fuel vehicles is to be halved by 2030).
Road safety
- Development and implementation of the Styrian Road Safety Programme
- Administration of the Styrian Road Safety Fund, recipient of the revenue from customised licence plates
- Provision of information on customised licence plates
- Provision of advice on road safety matters for municipalities and other bodies
- Participation in the review of railway crossings according to railway law
- Analysis and proposal of measures to eliminate accident blackspots
- Road safety assessment of zoning plan amendments
- Execution of road safety audits, monitoring and reviews
Traffic information
- Setup and maintenance of information systems for modes of transport
- Development and maintenance of the Styrian Transport and Cycling Servers
- Managing digital transport networks (road, rail, cycle paths)
- Creation of digital and analogue maps
- Preparation of GIS data and support of GIS projects
- Operational support of the Graph Integration Platform (GIP)
- Traffic data management of road traffic data
Road Infrastructure – New Construction
Stempfergasse 7, 8010 Graz
Tel: +43 (316) 877-2466
Fax: +43 (316) 877-2131
Tasks and responsibilities
The activities of this area include strategic road infrastructure planning as well as detailed planning of new road construction projects, including special projects that are transferred to the "Road Infrastructure - Special Projects" Unit for the implementation of their construction after receiving official approval.
Furthermore, the area of Road Infrastructure - New Construction is in charge of the implementation of new road constructions, with the exception of the special projects that are handled by the "Road Infrastructure - Special Projects" unit.
Road replanning and environmental analyses
- Identification of the need for new road construction
- Planning of road projects subject to EIA
- Preparation of cost-benefit analyses
- Initiating and accompanying the required approval procedures
- Point of contact for high-ranking road networks (motorways and expressways) in Styria and representation of the interests of the State in federal road planning
Construction planning and tendering
- Carrying out detail planning and tender planning and coordination of the planning process
- Execution of construction tenders, handling of award procedures incl. awarding of construction services
- Implementation of construction projects, including the provision of information to citizens and local site supervision
- Execution of the entire project management process, including cost, schedule and quality control
- Ensuring construction site coordination
Construction programme
- Drawing up annual, medium-term and long-term construction programmes for state roads, bridges, tunnels, noise protection measures, supporting measures and cycle paths, with the involvement of the units concerned within the Transport Department and the district construction offices